Site icon Pilgrim Uniting Church

OKC Wild

Our Online Kids’ Club is a partnership between Pulse and regional and rural UCA Presbyteries in NSW&ACT.

“Wild” is our Term 1 Lenten-based journey of conversations, crafts and connections for grades 3 to 6 who gather in small hubs at schools, churches, or local community centres on Sundays from 2p.m. to 3p.m.

The program is designed and facilitated by group of young mentors from the Kinross-Wolaroi school in Orange and Rev. Yvonne Ghavalas who is coordinating the project.

Each hub should have:
1. 2 adult “hosts” who have current WWCC and safe church training,
2. a safe and welcoming space,
3. an assortment of basic craft materials like glue, scissors, cardboard, crayons etc.,
4. a computer, tablet, or smart phone with microphone and video capabilities for Zoom,
5. a weekly register with names and contact details of children who attend.

Please register your interest in hosting a hub by filling out your details below.



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